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Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ section is a comprehensive resource designed to quickly answer your most pressing questions about solar marketing strategies. Here, we've gathered the knowledge you need to navigate the complexities of promoting your solar installation business.

Our Most Asked Questions...

How do you stay up-to-date with the rapidly evolving solar industry and its marketing trends?

Our team regularly attends solar industry conferences, participates in webinars, and stays engaged with leading solar energy publications. This, combined with our digital marketing expertise, ensures we keep our strategies fresh and effective.

Why not just buy my own leads?

The issue with buying lead lists or leads is that they're often low quality and re-used. Another aspect our system takes care of is the install appointment booking. Our team calls and follows up with each and every homeowner.

We make sure that you have a calendar full of appointments with homeowners that are ready to install in the next few weeks, not months.

How are you able to actually guarantee us with booked appointments?

Our client acquisition systems are essentially made to completely filter out low-intent homeowners. We have a rigourous 3-step process: Lead generation, Homeowner Qualification, and Appointment Setting and Followups.

We are contractually bound to provide a minimum number of booked installation appointments per month.

What happens if we don't get the desired result?

In the extremely unlikelt event that this happens then we refund you everything back. In complete and full compensation for both your money and time.

What pricing do you have, if we were to work together?

Each pricing agreement we have with our clients is custom and different to suit their needs as we also take into account the stage that you're currently at.

There are two pricing models we have: our pay-per appointment base or a retainer base. Book a meeting with our team for us to give you an exact quote.

Are you just another lead generation company?

We don't do lead lists, we build systems for your installation business  that make closing each deal a lot easier. Most solar installers in US and Canada still rely on outdated lead listss, don't let this be you.

We Hope To See You Soon...

Have more questions? We're here to shed light on all your inquiries. If you didn't find the answers you were looking for in our FAQs, don't hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated team is always ready to provide you with personalized support and detailed information to help you navigate your solar marketing journey. Contact us to ensure your solar installation business thrives. Let's illuminate the path to your success together!"

For queries that need a little more sunshine, our expert team is eager to assist. Whether you need clarification on our services, desire a deeper dive into our pricing structure, or want to discuss bespoke marketing strategies for your solar business, we're here to help.

© 2023 by tapfly. Proudly created with you in mind.

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